So Nora and I spent a week in Pinehurst, GA last week. My Mema (grandmother), dad, his wife Marcia, her son Noah, uncle Johnny, cousin Rachel, two aunt Beth's, and cousin Haley all live in South GA. It is a different life there. My Pop was a farmer so now my uncle Johnny and dad have taken over the farm. They grow cotton and peanuts. It has been a hard year for all the farmers in their area because they never get any rain. Pinehurst is a very small town that has nothing. But it is one of my favorite places in all the world! I was born in Cordelle GA which is 30 min. south of Pinehurst and I lived in Pinehurst until I was 3 years old. Then my mom and dad moved to Atlanta. Even though I have lived here practically all my life Pinehurst is still home in my heart. There is a child like excitement that I get when we get off the exit at Unadilla, Pinehurst and drive through the small towns. And my heart beats in my chest as the car enters the drive way of Mema's house. And every time the car exit the driveway to go back home I still have to fight back the tears 27 years later. Now I can also see this same excitement and same tears in my own daughter. She loves to go to Mema's house. And she cries when we leave. It's quite, it's small, it's nothing like Atlanta but it is home to our hearts.
Yesterday was our 1st day back and I was cleaning house and missing my Mema very bad. I imagine she was missing us the same too. But I am so thankful for the time we had this past week and can't wait to return.
My Cousin Rachel is in the pictures above and she is awesome! We had so much fun hanging out with her! She is so good with Nora and so much fun to be around. I hate that we live so far away but I am so glad that she is my cousin. She is extremely talented! She is in tumbling, she takes voice, basketball, acting and she is an honor roll student. She is good at it all. She is a social butterfly. One cool thing that she does with her mom is they have started a peppermint club. What they do is visit elderly people on their birthday's and bring them peppermints. What a fun idea! I just love that they do that together! I can't wait until next summer when hopefully she will save a week in her busy agenda to visit us at our house.
We had a great time in Pinehurst, Georgia!