Friday, September 14, 2007

Friday Favorite

Your blogs! Even though I have been in a slum lately, one of my favorite things of my day is to read your blogs. I love how I can catch up with friends and family as well as learn about new people I have never met. It is crazy how many people are out there in the blogging world who are so much like myself. I guess that could be kinda scary! Blogging is such a great way to network with new and old people. I have gotten so many ideas and just encouraging words from so many bloggers I don't know. It's funny how you can feel like you totally know someone just because you read their blog often. So keep up the good work on your blogs because they are my fav!


Staci said...

I totally agree!!

ohAmanda said...

Isn't it true? I just didn't know blogging was a big community! It's so fun!